Achieve the Greatest of Yourself

Have you ever feel that you want to be a great, or you may ever feel degrading?. This article will explain to you in General aspect in the life.

Live a life is about you win or lose

Let's remember that there is always a win, lose or even draw; in your life is. Ones may feel happy once they won, Ones may feel despair once they losing. But, why Ones feel happy and the other Ones is isn't ?

Inner feelings inside of you

Everyone agreed that anyone borns with different condition; with a good intellegence or one isn't. But there is one thing that bypassed all of your logic or even your intellegence scores, that is Feelings, your Heart. Feeling plays a big role in your mind, feelings would change the way you thinking drastically no matter what you are good at putting some logic on everything. Be a Winner would sparks a lot of joys inside your heart, because the effort you put to that event is somewhat massive. While in other hand if you were Losing, you may feel desperate because the effort you put seems disrespected.

Continued later..
